+++ Visitez-nous au European Coatings Show (ECS) du 25.03.2025 au 27.03.2025 - Hall 4A - Stand 4A-104 +++

Mentions légales

Windisch Softwareberatung UG (à responsabilité limitée)
Oberdielfener Straße 47
57234 Wilnsdorf

Téléphone : +49 (0) 2739 924 009 0
E-mail : info@bsone.de
Site web : www.bsone.de

Windisch Softwareberatung UG (à responsabilité limitée) est représentée par : Direction générale Wolfram Windisch et Katharina Sabel

Tribunal d’enregistrement : Tribunal d’instance de Siegen
Numéro d’enregistrement : HRB 9218

Responsable du contenu selon § 5 TMG et § 55 RStV :
Katharina Sabel
E-mail : Katharina.sabel@bsone.de

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Crédits photos

#45078120 – high level of quality management By Olivier Le Moal(stock.adobe.com)
#88549186 – Huge cans of paint in four colors at typography By yulia_myron (stock.adobe.com)
#182073037 – Industrial Engineer in Hard Hat Wearing Safety Jacket Uses Touchscreen Tablet Computer. He Works at the Heavy Industry Manufacturing Factory. By Gorodenkoff (stock.adobe.com)
#210079576 – Crop production worker in protective clothing using scale while filling black jar with sports nutrition. By Seventyfour (stock.adobe.com)
#211482415 – Diagrams and graphs on virtual screen. Business strategy, data analysis technology and financial growth concept. By WrightStudio (stock.adobe.com)
#219286958 – Smiling friendly female call-center agent with headset working on support hotline in the office By Bojan (stock.adobe.com)
#221014706 – Investor analyzing stock market report and financial dashboard with business intelligence (BI), with key performance indicators (KPI).businessman hand … By everythingpossible (stock.adobe.com)
#262310275 – Teamwork, unity concept, group of friends put their hands together with copy space By rangizzz (stock.adobe.com)
#265173755 – Laboratory industrial scales By Sergey Ryzhov (stock.adobe.com)
#271791845 – Labor Law Lawyer Legal Business Technology Concept by Sikov (stock.adobe.com)
#275429538 – Factory constructions, industry technology, manufacturing iterior, production line by Kostiantyn (stock.adobe.com)
#285641432 – Small chemical plant. Production of chemical emulsions for mining. by nordroden (stock.adobe.com)
#311320661 – Programmer working On Computer In IT Office Typing Data Coding in software and checking code on computer screen. by Pichsakul (stock.adobe.com)
#317612072 – Business executive looking thoughtfully out of his office window by marvent (stock.adobe.com)
#328820269 – Color paint drops in water , abstract color mix , drop of Ink color mix paint falling on water Colorful ink in water, 4K footage, by CK (stock.adobe.com)
#350888164 – Smart industry control concept.Hands holding tablet on blurred automation machine as background by panuwat (stock.adobe.com)
#354007466 – Stock market and trading, digital graph by ImageFlow (stock.adobe.com)
#354685281 – control inventory warehouse with mpbile phone application online by Yanukit (stock.adobe.com)
#389427952 – Concept food industry banner. Factory worker inspecting production line tanker in of dairy factory with computer tablet by Parilov (stock.adobe.com)
#389529145 – Inscription WMS on blurred warehouse background. Werehouse Management System. by Funtap (stock.adobe.com)
#405547682 – An industrial balance in a storage house by Anna (stock.adobe.com)
#416652175 – Smart warehouse management system.Worker hands holding tablet on blurred warehouse as background by panuwat (stock.adobe.com)
#476051377 – MES Manufacturing execution system technology concept. 3d render robot pressing virtual button. by Murrstock (stock.adobe.com)
#478338227 – Smart industry control concept.Hands holding tablet on blurred automation machine as background by panuwat (stock.adobe.com)
#524650875 – Industrial african worker women in factory, worker working in warehouse stock checking. suppervisor team control and management. Business factory industry … by Me studio (stock.adobe.com)
#529825130 – Project management concept , analyst working with computer in management system to make report with KPI and metrics connected to database. corporate strategy … by A Stockphoto (stock.adobe.com)
#547242409 – close up on robot hand working on laptop to checking correct data by using RPA function software program to help proof and detect and synchronize to system … by chinnarach (stock.adobe.com)
#550032161 – Businessmen in warehouse by ivanko80 (stock.adobe.com)
#614058015 – two engineer look projects and planning with tablet mobile in factory by lovelyday12 (stock.adobe.com)
#622349874 – Two young female scientists working with tablet computer in drinking water plant by Wosunan (stock.adobe.com)
#730599055 – Smart industry 4.0 concept, Person use tablet with virtual screen of physical system, smart industrial revolution, automation, robot assistants, iot, cloud … by Pakin (stock.adobe.com)
#969002844 – Digital compliance checklist with futuristic interface by Franklin (stock.adobe.com)
#1004418231 – MES – Manufacturing Execution System Concept. AI Integration, A person touch MES icon with symbols to manufacturing, automation, industrial processes, … by Supatman (stock.adobe.com)
#1010890828 – In a modern dairy factory, a factory worker in safety gear examines the production line with a tablet, ensuring quality control during the manufacturing … by Svyatoslav Lypynskyy (stock.adobe.com)
#1065380112 – Procurement Management Industry concept, Businesswomen Supply Chain retail logistics management, Financial business growth, Transportation import-export, … by Ticha (stock.adobe.com)